Monday, 3 August 2015

Pointing the way to tomorrow's technology careers

HAMMOND | Tomorrow’s engineers, technicians and scientists gathered Monday as the 2015 READY NWI Career Camp kicked off at Purdue University Calumet’s Center for Innovation through Visualization and Simulation.
A program of Valparaiso-based READY NWI and the Works Council of Northwest Indiana, the five-day camp for seventh- through ninth-graders focuses on educating students and inspiring them to follow career paths in science, technology, engineering and math fields.
From 9 a.m. to noon each day students learn about a different field of study. CIVS staff and Purdue students will use interactive and innovative simulations that allow campers to virtually explore those career fields without leaving the center’s Immersive Theater in the Powers Building on the Hammond campus.
For example, students will see how a wind turbine works from the inside and out, how power is generated and how steel is manufactured. They’ll also participate in interactive demonstrations with some of the latest evolving technologies such as Oculus Rift, Augmented Reality and 3D printing.
Hands-on activities and tours are also part of the camp. In addition guest speakers currently working in each field will talk to campers about the skills, education and typical duties related to these careers.
Opened in 2009, CIVS has offered educational and work opportunities for more than 700 Purdue students, provided virtual learning sessions for more than 7,000 students in elementary through high school and partnered with more than 90 companies and organizations.

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